
Now booking for Summer of 2012!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Im back!

Along with most other Photographer/moms I know, Im fighting the constant battle of balance between Mom and Photographer. This past year I took a lot of time off to just be Mom. Since the birth of my third baby I had a very hard time leaving and spending any time away from her... it literally broke my heart every time I had to leave her and spending late nights editing was just too hard on me. I have been very attached to my little bug! I guess because now I know just how fast time flys and how fleeting every moment with these little children really are. Now shes 15 months old and Im ready to get back into this crazy photography world :) Im going to be better about blogging my sessions again.... its been a while since I have posted anything on here and I have really relyed on Facebook, but Id really like to start using both again.

    I have a ton of Fall Family sessions to share but this one is one of my favorites! It could be because I love this family so much :) Starting with my very favorite shot from the session.... which is going to become a very large canvas and is going to be beautiful in her home! I cant wait to see it... Im really jealose actually :)



Contact Me

Karina Orgill
Riverton, Utah