Oh SO Sweet! Ive been dying to post these for the longest time... this was definetly one of my FAVORITE sessions... I always have a blast doing these type of sessions.... just take little cutie, put a cake in front of them and watch the magic! love how enthusiastic she was about everything... such a little doll! love how these looked in black and white too...
and here is the card I put together for her Birthday invitation...
A few more... these girls were so cute together.... reminded me of me and my sister when we were that age!
a-hem..... those CURLS!!!! yes, I was in love with them!
and this little man was SO well behaved and always had a smile ready for me! I didnt even have to work for it!
I just LOVE this picture...
the things kids do when Mom and Dad are not looking... cracks me right up! ....I do have to add that these kids were SO well behaved the entire time, but they defintely know how to have fun with eachother!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
a quick look... cant wait to post the rest!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
wordless wednesday.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Winter wonderland...
this was my first "winter" shoot... complete with lots of snow! Im not the biggest fan of snow... but I think its growing on me.... it can be so beautiful, I love it right after it snows and everything is white, and the snow is still sitting on top of all of the tree branches.... I even love how it seems to muffle noise and everything seems so peacfull and quiet after a big snowfall.... yep, I think its growing on me.... It was freezing cold and Mom was in short sleeves!!! But you gotta do what you gotta do to get a good picture right?! They were all such troopers and did so well even though I know they were all freezing!
yes, I know we all wish that we could look like this... loved it in black and white too...
you will never guess what these two were laughing hysterically about..... the ducks! I have no idea what those ducks were doing that was so funny, but Im glad that they did it because I love this shot!
It was so cold that we loaded up the kids into the warm car and then snapped this last one in the parking lot..... SO glad we did!
Friday, December 4, 2009
I love this kid! My nephew is going to be baptized tomorrow and he is the sweetest, funnest, smartest, 8 year old you will ever meet. Congratulations Carson!
This is one of Moms favorites, says he looks like Michael Buble in it. :)